Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Happy Valentines

Here's a Q&A I did with a sex therapist and author, about her studies into "magnificent sex" and what she's learned about salving differences in desire within a couple.


And also, for fun, here's a poem written by Chat GPT to my husband :) I like the ending best.

My dearest love, my partner in life, Twenty years we've shared, as husband and wife. From the heights of the mountains we've climbed, To the depths of the oceans we've dived.

We met on the rocks, both daring and bold, And soon our hearts were firmly controlled. You showed me a world I'd never known, And together we've watched our love grown.

Two children we've raised, with love and care, And watched them flourish with each passing year. Our love of sailing has kept us strong, As we've weathered the storms and sung our song.

You are the anchor that keeps me steady, In a world that's so fast and so heady. I love you more than words can express, And I thank you for all that you do and you bless.

As we continue our journey, side by side, With our love and our memories as our guide, I thank the stars each and every night, For bringing us together and keeping us tight.

My dearest love, my partner in life, Twenty years

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